LOVE ENTREPRENEURS is our partner network, designed to foster collaboration, networking and peer-to-peer support. It encourages businesses of all sizes to join in to share their experience, strength, and challenges so that they can become better entrepreneurs and business builders.

REMOVE THE LABELS: there are no labels here only the desire to connect, learn, collaborate and help each other succeed.

Even the most successful entrepreneurs are ordinary people – just like us. Sure we have the grit and determination and a passion to make things better, but that is not enough. Every extraordinary business is founded on teamwork – different perspectives, different skills and different experiences. This is the secret source of the business building which is why the Signature Dish is the BIG FIX, a core part of Love Entrepreneurs.

The Big Fix gives you:

PRAGMATIC AND ACTIONABLE SUGGESTIONS. Stuck in a rut or lacking inspiration? Fellow business owners lavish diversity of experience on solving your challenges – not just expert theories, but stuff that works.

IMPLEMENTATION ACCOUNTABILITY AND PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTABLE RIGHT NOW: Loads of ideas but no time to put them into practice? We have all been there, which is why we ask you to promise to implement 3 of the best ideas and come back the following month to tell us how you got on. Now you won’t let us down, will you?

NICHE NAILING NETWORKING. Hate those pushy networking events where everyone sells? Forget the spammy sales pattern. Instead appreciate the depth of insight and kindness of your fellow business owners. After all, the people you refer to reflect on you.

SIDESTEP THE PITFALLS. Seeing another business in the spotlight provides plenty to learn from their triumphs and travails. Hearing how they solved a familiar challenge or struggled with something you were thinking to try saves time and frustration.

BECOME FIT FOR FUNDING. The key to a successful business is funding. However, most are not fit for that but the how’s and the why’s are often unclear. Learn from others and from their own experiences of getting funding and translate it into your own business. Partnering with Love Entrepreneurs as part of the Grow Inspires Ecosystem gives you a non-judgmental, supportive and fun opportunity to road test your ideas and to mingle with other like-minded business owners. Come and be part of it.

We encourage you to come along to one of the two weekly meetings to get a taster of how truly valuable this network is. To join a session simply use the contact form below and one of our team will get in touch with the details.

What the members say…


To arrange a chat with one of our team, send us a message.